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Herbal Foot SPA Powder Wormwood/Angelica/Ginger/Saffron/Motherwort6g/100pax

*Foot Soak Healing Powers

Even as reflexology demonstrates, your entire body is represented by and connected to your feet. Therefore, caring for and nurturing your feet can bring health and well-being to all of your limbs and organs. Here are just a few health benefits that result when you immerse your feet in a relaxing hot water bath.


*A Foot Soak Increases Circulation Soaking and cleansing your feet in hot water reduces inflammation and stimulates circulation, bringing congested blood to the dilated vessels in the feet and lower legs.



Ultimate relaxation may be one of the most obvious health benefits of foot soaks, but research shows that soaking your feet in hot water for 20 to 30 minutes per day can do wonders for your mood, your energy level, your sleeping habits and any aches and pains that affect you — in your feet and beyond.


1. Mugwort (艾草) - good for swollen, tired feet. Disperses cold and alleviates pain. Also helps with coughs.

2. Angelica (当归)-Warming meridians, removing cold, heat and dampness, improving sleep, clearing damp, warm body blood, improve sleep, reduce cold hands and feet.

3. Ginger (生姜) - warms the body, helps to relieve aches and pains. Relieves colds.

4. Saffron (藏红花) - Fatigue, low immune system, insomnia, rheumatism, hypercholesterolemia, hypertension, hyperglycemia, coldness in extremities and etc.

5.Motherwort(益母草)- Motherwort feet diuretic swelling, contraction of the uterus role, is home to ancient physicians to the drug treatment of gynecological diseases


Usage Take 2-3 bags into the water, rubbing the drug dissolved in water, soak for 20-30 minutes. (For external use only, NOT for intake)




泡脚的作用功效 :

1. 艾草泡脚 —— 可驱寒,天天用热水泡脚可以促进血液循环,赶走体内湿寒,而艾草又能通十二经络,调理阴阳,经络通畅的人,气血也会跟着畅通,气血健康后,体内寒气自然也就无处可待。可有效治疗口腔溃疡、口腔炎、中耳炎、咽喉肿痛等由于体内虚火旺盛或者寒火引起的疾病。


2. 当归泡脚 ——活血驱寒。人体的血液通过心脏泵出之后便会经过动脉和静脉,在人体中循环一周后回到心脏,而脚距离心脏最远,又处在人的最低点,压强比较高,血液的循环和运输比较慢,温水泡脚是对脚部的血液循环有很重要的作用,本来当归和热水都具有活血的功效,能促进血液的循环,也能预防脚冷脚寒。更是能治疗脚臭。很多年轻人身体内环境紊乱,生活不规律,汗脚、臭脚等不可避免,每天用当归水泡脚对治疗这种由于生活不规律引起的脚臭有很明显的好处。调节内分泌,治疗脚臭。


3. 生姜泡脚 ——去脚臭:将脚浸于热姜水中,浸泡时加点盐和醋,浸泡15分钟左右,抹干,加点爽身粉,臭味便可消除。生姜泡脚使人体放松、缓解疲劳,从而改善睡眠质量。生姜泡脚改善气血、保养肾脏,能够有效延缓衰老,延年益寿。此法对风寒感冒、头痛、咳嗽治疗效果显着。也可以改善供血不足,配合补肾食材能够很好的起到暖肾养肾的作用。还有达到驱寒祛风功效


4. 藏红花泡脚 ——主要有降低血压、软化血管、通筋活络,能有效提高免疫力,改善睡眠质量。使用藏红花足浴液通过沐浴使皮肤表层粘膜和被激活的皮下神经细胞及人体双足部36处穴位所吸收,将药物中的能量分子吸收转化引起肌体整体药理效应,进而起到全面改善人体肌能,增强人体免疫功能之功效。


5. 益母草泡脚 ——益母草泡脚有利尿消肿、收缩子宫作用的作用,是历代医家用来治疗妇科病的要药更是促进血液循环,活血化瘀,因为益母草的作用很广泛,是比较好的活血化瘀的中药。具体来说,益母草泡脚的功效主要是治疗女性疾病,尤其对痛经有很好疗效。

EZGO Household Kitchenware Store * Foot Spa Powder

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